To Do List for G Arith ---------------------- Make new logo. I need to make a new logo; the current one is not very readable because the GTK uses a lighter default background color than does XForms. Also, the logo still says X Arith where it should say G Arith. Interface redesign. Make conformant with GNOME style guide. Various other GNOMEifications. Can't think of any right now, but I'm sure there will be a few. Timer support. A display which would tell the user his/her average solving time per problem. An option to give the user a set amount of time in which to solve the problem, after which it is automatically wrong. High Scores. Both system-wide and and user-specific. Sound. Right!, Wrong!, Too Bad, Too Slow, etc. Definitely optional. Graphics. I do not at all intend to have this program be anywhere near as graphically rich (clogged?) as its inspiration, Adventure Math, but there's no reason why a few more little graphics here and there couldn't be put in. I mean, it's supposed to be a game. On the other hand, this may not happen at all. Decimal arithmetic. Not a high priority, but it would be nice.